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There are now three ways to access your MP3s on your device: download MP3 audios to your device, sync to Dropbox and access MP3s through your preferred podcast app (except for the Think Yourself Slim Program which is only available for download and Dropbox. Podcast app functionality will be available in early 2025).


With over 200 MP3s, there is something for you,  whether a hypnosis MP3 for sleep, anxiety or stress relief, or deeper healing for medical support and pain relief, or inner child work.  There are also MP3s to support your spiritual practice in areas such as lucid dreaming, astral projection and spirit guide contact.


Prices are in US Dollars. 

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  All prices shown are in US dollars.

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Discover Hidden Gifts and Purpose from Past Lives
Discover Hidden Gifts and Purpose from Past Lives

If you are trying to determine the next logical step to find your passion and purpose, you are most likely using your limited conscious mind. Using the power of hypnosis, you can gain access to the limitless subconscious mind. As you gain access to the past lives where you are most aligned to your innate talents, you will learn not just your work but the legacy of that life. Your hidden gifts are treasure buried in your memories and your subconscious holds the key.

47 mins


Past Lives Hypnosis; Reunion of Souls
Past Lives Hypnosis; Reunion of Souls

Discover the home where you truly belong, whether in a past life or your soul family of origins. In this healing journey, you will benefit from healing, gaining a better understanding of yourself and receiving the unconditional love and acceptance that you deserve and also meet the love of all lives, whether a mentor, guardian, twin flame or your soul family of origins.

1 hr 15 mins


Sana Tu Cuerpo Mientras Duermes
Sana Tu Cuerpo Mientras Duermes

Estas afirmaciones están diseñadas para empoderarte y recordarte que la mente y el cuerpo están unidos y que tu forma de ser, pensar y actuar tiene una gran influencia en tu salud. Te guío para que liberes el trauma y las creencias que pongan obstáculos en tu viaje hacia la salud plena y normalizo la salud como tu estado natural. Creer es crear, así que a continuación visualizas tu futuro inmediato con una salud plena. Mientras concilias el sueño, te guío para que des gracias a cada parte de tu cuerpo, recordándote que tu cuerpo te protege y te cuida mientras duermes en paz y gratitud.

30 minutos


Easy Astral Projection Hypnosis - 
Captain Method
Easy Astral Projection Hypnosis -
Captain Method

This is a new astral projection method I call the "captain and crew" method that I have developed myself in response to the comments from those of you who are still struggling to achieve an out of body experience for one of a few reasons. This addresses and provides solutions to the involuntary interference of the conscious mind in the form of twitches, itches etc. and overthinking or trying to force the experience and, lastly, calms emotions to a neutral state. Together my words and your subconscious guide you in a peaceful journey to an easy exit of the astral body.

50 mins


5 Pasos Calmar la Ansiedad y Detener los Ataques de Pánico Meditación
5 Pasos Calmar la Ansiedad y Detener los Ataques de Pánico Meditación

Este método de 5 pasos te ayuda a superar el pánico y regresar a un estado de calma. A través de varias técnicas y usando una sola técnica a la vez, te guío para que recuperes una sensación de control y calma. Utilizo técnicas como el escaneo corporal, la respiración y más para brindarte apoyo.

22 minutos


Afirmaciones Para Sanar el Pasado y Sanar a Tu Niño Interior
Afirmaciones Para Sanar el Pasado y Sanar a Tu Niño Interior

Estas afirmaciones complementan la Meditación para Sanar a Tu Niño Interior y se centran en sanar las respuestas de lucha, huida o congelación ante situaciones. Comienzan por ayudarte a arraigar y estar en el momento presente. Luego, te guían para que conectes con tu cuerpo, tu niño interior, tus emociones y activar tu voz. Te fortalecen para que te liberes del pasado y te des cuenta de que el futuro es tuyo para crear.

19 minutos


Heal Your Body Affirmations As You Fall Asleep
Heal Your Body Affirmations As You Fall Asleep

Listen to these healing affirmations as you fall asleep for 21 nights and, if you wish, the following mornings when you wake. Pain and an inability to heal are due to many root causes, and not all are physical reasons. We can, unintentionally, become attached to an identify of pain and ill health. It becomes part of our own image. So these affirmations not only tackle the physical cause of pain but also emotional causes, trauma, negative body image, feelings of helplessness and limiting beliefs.

22 minutes


5 Step Process to End Anxiety and Panic Attacks
5 Step Process to End Anxiety and Panic Attacks

This 20 minute session combines mindfulness meditation and coaching and guides you to calm through an easy-to-follow 5 step process. This combines gentle prompts to find a quiet place, check in with your energy levels and needs and I then guide you through breathing exercises that will return your nervous system to calm. We then re-engage each sense one by one and use this to refocus thoughts and we end with a gentle body scan.

20 minutes


Meditación Diaria de Gratitud
Meditación Diaria de Gratitud

Esta meditación te ayudará a fortalecer tu autoestima y sentirte seguro en este mundo. Te guío para que reconozcas y des gratitud por las necesidades básicas a las que tienes acceso, las personas en tu vida y todo aquello que damos por sentado. El reto final consiste en reflexionar sobre un momento difícil en tu vida y notar lo que has aprendido. Espero que esta meditación te recuerde que todos estamos conectados y podemos marcar la diferencia en la vida de otra persona.

25 minutos


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